Premedia Systems is a San Francisco Bay Area-based consultancy that specializes in print and publishing technologies. We have decades of industry experience, and we can help you discover and remedy the bottlenecks in your workflows.
We are experts in automating and streamlining workflows that are based on Adobe Creative Cloud applications, including: InDesign, Illustrator, and Photoshop.
We develop entire publishing systems as well as individual components using scripting, plug-ins, and standalone applications developed in C++, Xojo, and other tools.
Our customers include: Apple Inc, Adobe Systems Incorporated, American Greetings, Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART), Blurb, and Williams Sonoma.
Try PDF Comparator

Our PDF Comparator application allows you to quickly and easily compare two PDF files to one another—visually or via a textual report.
To learn about the features of PDF Comparator and to download a trial version or purchase a copy, click the link below.
Request a temporary license key to try a fully functional version of PDF Comparator for a limited time.
PDF Comparator is available for Windows and macOS (including macOS Catalina).